Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Junk mail.

I get gobs of junk email each day.  Every so often, another software program comes up with a 'better way' of dealing with junk emails.  Same thing with the mail.  ARGH to the political times just before November.  PLEASE, not at my door!

But what are they.  Either scams or sales pitches for things you don't need or want, or pitches about your physical life, and how they will help you.  ARGH!  No thanks.  Let me seek you out, rather than littering my "Spam" folder or the trash can. 

I do see the subject lines before I "nuke them"...sometimes.  They can be truly funny.  Where I'm headed with this is that group of codgers who became that earlier in life, that bunch who act like they have something large and misshapen put the the wrong cavity of the body, over years, apparently.  They seem constantly in discomfort when what they really are is a grouch...many times about any and all things.

Grouches treat others like all of us treat junk email.  Nuked as quickly and painlessly as possible.  The real problem is grouches have children and grandchildren.  They can continue as grouches, but I don't understand how that's possible.  Yea, I know some kids are monsters.  Not mine, now.  Here's an idea...

Send your favorite grouch some some cool stuff for their  for when their grandchildren stay over.  I love the pilot hat, and whether or not grouchy grandpa or grandma likes it, it's cool, and they won't be able to turn down a gift.  :-)  Add the mittens.  Or maybe a truck.  Or, if it's Halloween, this costume. Or maybe a small gift, like the Oscar mug or a ball cap. There's a ton of Oscar the Grouch stuff just on Amazon.  Too much fun!

For older grandkids, sent the grouch a DVD, like the musical Scrooge with Albert Finney.  Or It's a Wonderful Life, asking them to pay close attention to Mr. Potter, or Clarence the Angel Second Class.  Forget about Mr Poptter and  Potterville, enjoy this classic movie.  Watch Clarence earn his wings.  Invited your neighborhood "Mr Potter" and his grandchildren to view it with you.  Be creative and have fun with this.

Pray for your grandchildren today!  Thanks!
Can you think of other great gifts for neighborhood or family grouches?  Email me back with your ideas.  :-)

-Grandpa George

More quotes for grandparents

Grandchildren are God's way of compensating us for growing old.  ~Mary H. Waldrip

Monday, April 11, 2011

Yet another cool grandparenting quote...

Grandmothers are just antique little girls.  
     ~Author Unknown

Alone, part one.

I've been thinking of my father-in-law.  I have, in the past, called him the most patient man in the world.  Not because of his family or his circumstances.  Nor was it a joke.  I watched him.  I wish I had his patience and I thank God for the man he is.  His daughter, my wife, has a lot of him in her.  He is 85 years old now.  He is pictured with our youngest daughter, Elizabeth- one of my favorite  family pictures, taken more than 20 years ago.  Thanks, Dad!

But what got me thinking about him was his life alone.  He has buried two wives and now lives alone.  The word 'alone' is a hard, ugly word.  Holy Scripture tells us that it is not good for man to be alone.  That's where we got Eve.  I know there are plenty of people who live alone.  I hope I will never be one left...and I know that makes me a big baby, and OK.

But, living alone is a part of many peoples' lives. Where it gets difficult is when our status changes.  Our children and grandchild shouldn't live our lives with us.  They aren't prepared, anymore than we were.  We have an opportunity to look properly at any circumstance, and see it as a teaching opportunity.  Our lives change...often and sometimes without warning.

Our lives are not our own the minute we find out we are to be parents.  Or the minute we marry.  We begin living together, factoring in the needs and desires of the other.  So much more the case when children come into the picture.  And while I love being near either of my grandsons, I live to show them the ways to live in this world before a living God.  I'll see.

There will be other posts re: being alone.  There's the whole matter of being alone after a divorce and telling the grandkids.  And there is more than that.

Teach the grandchildren to be loving even in a world that has forgotten.

-Grandpa George

Friday, April 8, 2011

Another cool grandparenting quote.

Elephants and grandchildren never forget.  ~Andy Rooney

Another cool grandparenting quote.

"A grandfather is someone with silver in his hair and gold in his heart."  ~Author Unknown

Modern Day Moms - a blog worthy of adding to your list

My daughter Emily is part of a blog called "Modern Day Moms".  It's enough, I guess, that my daughter is part of it.  And, from time to time, I get to see my grandson Miles via picture or video.  That's a true plus. :-)

But way beyond that, they offer great ideas for moms with smaller children.  And in all sorts of areas.  It was put together by high school friends, moms who live in a variety of towns...and state.

Many grandparents check all kinds of blogs: political, religious, news, entertainment, and/or hobbies regularly.  This is one blog you need to add to your list.  Not every article will be perfect for grandparents, but y'all have kids, and this ought to be on their blog list too!

Look at it as a great resource for gift suggestions too. Check it out for yourself!

Have a great day, and hug your grandkids!

-Grandpa George

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Learning from babies

There are few thing as wonderful as a baby, asleep in the arms of his or her mother.  And I speak as a father and grandfather.  While I loved holding my babies, and now grandbabies, Mom is home.

And there are a few things we learn by watching this child sleeping there.  First, total and complete trust.  Even Aunts and Uncles, Grandfathers or fathers don't share that.  We're OK.  But Mom is home.

We lose that sense of trusting early enough on.  I'm not suggesting we lose faith in our parents...or in trust.  That child is so at ease where he or she is as to rest completely.  Was your rest, say, last night, as total?

My wife works at a daycare, and in the afternoon, I arrive to take her home.  Almost every time, there is a 'care' on the children's eyes.  Some, though they have seen me a number of times before, burst into tears.  Now, I'm not a troll or monster.  I am tall and have a deep voice, but not a terror.  :-)

There's also the 'theology' of comfort.  You can see discomfort in the eyes if little children quickly and bluntly.  Even later, football players, when the camera looks their way, mouth "Hi Mom."  Why?  Mom is the very picture of comfort, and the sense of being at home.

The child, the baby know what we have forgotten.  As a grandfather, I am learning from my grandsons to make my voice and demeanor a place of comfort and total care.  Will that happen all the time?  Sadly, no.  My voice will get too loud, or maybe it's a bad day for the baby.  

But...I'm learning.

-Grandpa George

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Yet another cool grandparenting quote...

Truth be told, there's nothing better than being a grandparent. All our elders know this and it is evidenced by that twinkle in their eyes. Of course, they know more than they let on—life's secrets have come to them through time, experience, and patience. ~author unknown

They are precious in His sight...

Do you remember the song they taught in Sunday schools, "Jesus loves the little children"?  I don't remember a time I didn't.  When was the last time you sang it?

Maybe the better question is, in what ways are your grandchildren precious.

Within the first year after our second child arrived, I went to my wife, concerned that she was no nearly as quick and bright as child #1.  Boy, was I wrong.  My wife produced a calendar when each move forward for the child was kept.  It showed me that the two children were just different.  Differences are wonderful...unless you're a control-freak.  Even there, you are making yourself God.

I need that lesson.  Each is very different from the other.  That continued with numbers 3 and 4 as well.  I rejoice in the children I have, each different from the other.

I learned a term for the 21st century - 'Helicopter parents'.   They hover closely overhead, rarely out of reach, whether their children need them or not. In Scandinavia, this phenomenon is known as curling parenthood and describes parents who attempt to sweep all obstacles out of the paths of their children.  It is also called "overparenting".  Can there be helicopter (curling) grandparents as well? 

I must also take that lesson into the lives, personalities, and circumstances of my grandchildren.  What makes them precious is God's love for each one.  My older grandson has an affable and fun personality.  Miles is 18 months and fun to Skype with. 

My other grandson (C.J.) is about to turn three months old, and his personality is already coming through, even on Skype.  We've had fun watching his personality show itself already.

Each different from the other.  Thank God.  There is not one He is unconcerned about.  We need to show to our grandchildren that they are precious..period.

Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Black and yellow, red and white
They're all precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world.

 -Grandpa George

Another cool grandparent quote...

Grandmas are moms with lots of frosting.  ~Author Unknown

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Another cool Grandparent quote...

"Grandparents, like heroes, are as necessary to a child's growth as vitamins."
-Joyce Allston

How are your grandchilden remembering you?

What would your grandchild list as the thinks you taught them?  What makes you memorable other than your title - grandpa/grandma?

How do you want to be remembered? Is it a treat or a 'trick' (read that 'burden') to go to grandpa's house?

Think back toy our grandparents and remember the old adage 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree".  True for you?

I'm the only one of my siblings who has an memory of my Grandmother Fincke...but I do have memories...positive memories, though she died in my 4th year.

In the craziness of our times, are you an oak to them, the very picture of what they want to be when they grow up.  My Grandfather Patterson is that to me.  He was a hard-working, smart and funny man.  I owe so much to him.  He is on the top row, center (I'm the geek at the left, bottom in 1965)

You will be remembered.  It's a matter of how you purpose the grandchildren to remember you. The child may be the one to 'name' you (Both my grand-dads were called Pop in my home), but you and I are more mature (I hope. :-) to direct their thinking about you and your family.

Pray for your grandchildren today!

-Grandpa George

Monday, April 4, 2011

Grandpa's movies - Some DVD's and Blueray ideas

I live movies.  All kinds of movies.  But, I'm writing about and for my grandkids, not me.  What makes going to Grandpa's special?

And...in one area - videos.  I'm not an anti-entertainment kinda guy.  But so much on TV and DVD is just falsehood, or exaggeration,  or propaganda - oh, read it as 'crap'.  There's got to be a better way.  Not perfect, but interesting for them and you.

The physical world has plenty to be both instructional and interesting...honesty interesting. Immediately when talking about the natural world it offers questions of origins (creation) because some offer an evolutionary scheme as a crazy southern evangelist offers salvation - his way and only his way.  Just be mindful.  And, we may not agree on what is too 'evangelistic', but....

Also, make sure you purchase the proper format for your machine.  Right now it's DVD and Blue-ray.  Also remember the young the child, the shorter the attention span.  :-)

There are a few worth talking about.  The BBC series, "Planet Earth", narrated by David Attenbourgh.  It is an 11-part series shot entirely in high-definition: From Pole to Pole, Mountains, Fresh Water, Caves, Deserts, Ice Worlds, Great Plains, Jungles, Shallow Seas, Seasonal Forests, Ocean Deep.  Stunning.

Another set that came the same year is "Nature: The World of Nature Set"This six-disc box set includes Europe's Enchanted Lands, Africa's Incredible Hulks, Alaska, Antarctica, Wild Side of Paradise, and Extreme Lands of the Americas.

I have grandsons, and I know they love trains of all sorts.  They are guys, after all!  Videos like Real Trains for Kids is fun.  Or Train Crazy Kids or Locomotion - The Amazing World of Trains.

Add airplanes.

OK, these are a few ideas.  But...what are yours?  Let me know.

-Grandpa George

Another cool grandparent quote...

What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance.  They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life.  And, most importantly, cookies.    ~Rudolph Giuliani

Skype: 2nd Place, but worth having

My daughters are so much more tech-savvy than I.  Thank you Lord!

Not long after my daughter Emily announced we were going to be grandparents, she found SKYPE.  We installed it on our computer (it's for both Mac & PC) WAIT!  What's a SKYPE?

It's computer software that acts as a telephone, but without a telephone bill.  If you have a camera with your PC, and most do anymore (all Macs do) you get to see the person.
The photo above is taken in my daughter Emily's room in the hospital in California, and you see her talking with my wife from Moorhead, MN.  It was early in Emily's labor.  Where am I?  I had talked with her earlier...that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.  :-)

I have used Skype in talking with other parts of my family, and to friends.  A dear friend, an Episcopal priest in New York state, contracted a virus that had many of the same effects as a stroke.  Talking was a problem.  I was able to watch his mouth as he spoke.  He and I have been able 'to Skype" as he has improved.

I have Skype on both my desktop and laptop computers (Mac), and am glad I have it that way.  My laptop offers a better 'reception' many times.  I am not a geek to explain that.  That's how I've found it.

What I saw was the differences in my grandson as he aged.  I distinctly remember the point where it was clear he knew who we were.  VERY COOL!

With my grandson Miles, I keep a small doll by my desktop...'Curious George' just for him.  Why that?  My grandson is crazy for monkeys, and that's enough.  Someone gave it to me years ago for other reasons, and it is something I use to help in my 'conversations' with an 18 month old.  I look forward to using 'George' with grandson #2, CJ too.

Whether family 'Skyping' or among friends or business associates, it's a simple addition without difficulty or cost.  Perfect for grandparents! There are basic books about it as well

Skype ain't like having them at hand, but it's a worthy second place IMO.

Enjoy 'Skyping' with your grandkids!

-Grandpa George

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Different Spiritual Visions

It's Sunday, and the mind, my mind, turns to church.

And as I saw a picture of my grandson Miles after he played with a red ink pad (Grandpa laughing, "I love being a grandpa!"), I thought about the different spiritual vision you have from your child relating to them and your grandchildren.

In a perfect world, you did exactly what your parents and grandparents told you to do...right?  Why think that it's different for you and your children and grandchildren?

Some simple things you (and I) need to do.  My grandsons were both baptized, so I can talk to them, as they grow, about that day.  I have Baptist friends who disagree, but the covenant is for me and my family (and thy house - Acts 16:31).  I know they are part of my family, and of God's as well.  I had to honor of baptizing one (Miles), and attending C.J.'s baptism.  I will remind them of those important days.

Second, pray each day for your children and grandchildren.  It was easier before the kids left the house and out and on their own.  Grandchildren should change your spiritual concern.  Pray for them each day...by name.  Ask them to pray at meals, or show them by praying and asking God's blessing on the food.  Talk about why we pray.  Send a card to them to say I am praying for you.

Buy and send a Bible, and a Bible story book to them, and have one at your home.  Reading is so much better than turning on the DVD player.  It's a way for grandparent and grandchild to interact on things spiritual.

How do you teach a child to pray?  Did you teach your childrenSimple is the rule.  Yes, "God is great, God is good, and we thank Him for the food." is simple and is a pray that reaches God's ears.  We need to be purposeful to reminding our grandchildren of the great love of God for THEM!

I know a grandma who takes her grandson to church with her, even though her son and daughter-in-law don't attend a church.  Why?  It is a normal life for God's children.  Not in the child's face, but to quietly living out a Christian life.

There is only so much you can do.  You aren't their parent, and even the parents can only do so much.  Trust in God's grace for your children and grandchildren.  Do you have other suggestions or helps?  Thanks in advance.

God will bless you by your efforts (Eph. 2:10).