My daughters are so much more tech-savvy than I. Thank you Lord!
Not long after my daughter Emily announced we were going to be grandparents, she found SKYPE. We installed it on our computer (it's for both Mac & PC) WAIT! What's a SKYPE?
It's computer software that acts as a telephone, but without a telephone bill. If you have a camera with your PC, and most do anymore (all Macs do) you get to see the person.
The photo above is taken in my daughter Emily's room in the hospital in California, and you see her talking with my wife from Moorhead, MN. It was early in Emily's labor. Where am I? I had talked with her earlier...that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. :-)
I have used Skype in talking with other parts of my family, and to friends. A dear friend, an Episcopal priest in New York state, contracted a virus that had many of the same effects as a stroke. Talking was a problem. I was able to watch his mouth as he spoke. He and I have been able 'to Skype" as he has improved.
I have Skype on both my desktop and laptop computers (Mac), and am glad I have it that way. My laptop offers a better 'reception' many times. I am not a geek to explain that. That's how I've found it.
What I saw was the differences in my grandson as he aged. I distinctly remember the point where it was clear he knew who we were. VERY COOL!
With my grandson Miles, I keep a small doll by my desktop...'Curious George' just for him. Why that? My grandson is crazy for monkeys, and that's enough. Someone gave it to me years ago for other reasons, and it is something I use to help in my 'conversations' with an 18 month old. I look forward to using 'George' with grandson #2, CJ too.
Whether family 'Skyping' or among friends or business associates, it's a simple addition without difficulty or cost. Perfect for grandparents! There are basic books about it as well
Skype ain't like having them at hand, but it's a worthy second place IMO.
Enjoy 'Skyping' with your grandkids!
-Grandpa George
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