Maybe the better question is, in what ways are your grandchildren precious.
Within the first year after our second child arrived, I went to my wife, concerned that she was no nearly as quick and bright as child #1. Boy, was I wrong. My wife produced a calendar when each move forward for the child was kept. It showed me that the two children were just different. Differences are wonderful...unless you're a control-freak. Even there, you are making yourself God.
I need that lesson. Each is very different from the other. That continued with numbers 3 and 4 as well. I rejoice in the children I have, each different from the other.
I learned a term for the 21st century - 'Helicopter parents'. They hover closely overhead, rarely out of reach, whether their children need them or not. In Scandinavia, this phenomenon is known as curling parenthood and describes parents who attempt to sweep all obstacles out of the paths of their children. It is also called "overparenting". Can there be helicopter (curling) grandparents as well?
I must also take that lesson into the lives, personalities, and circumstances of my grandchildren. What makes them precious is God's love for each one. My older grandson has an affable and fun personality. Miles is 18 months and fun to Skype with.
My other grandson (C.J.) is about to turn three months old, and his personality is already coming through, even on Skype. We've had fun watching his personality show itself already.
Each different from the other. Thank God. There is not one He is unconcerned about. We need to show to our grandchildren that they are precious..period.
Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Black and yellow, red and white
They're all precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
All the children of the world
Black and yellow, red and white
They're all precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
-Grandpa George
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