I get gobs of junk email each day. Every so often, another software program comes up with a 'better way' of dealing with junk emails. Same thing with the mail. ARGH to the political times just before November. PLEASE, not at my door!
But what are they. Either scams or sales pitches for things you don't need or want, or pitches about your physical life, and how they will help you. ARGH! No thanks. Let me seek you out, rather than littering my "Spam" folder or the trash can.
I do see the subject lines before I "nuke them"...sometimes. They can be truly funny. Where I'm headed with this is that group of codgers who became that earlier in life, that bunch who act like they have something large and misshapen put the the wrong cavity of the body, over years, apparently. They seem constantly in discomfort when what they really are is a grouch...many times about any and all things.
Grouches treat others like all of us treat junk email. Nuked as quickly and painlessly as possible. The real problem is grouches have children and grandchildren. They can continue as grouches, but I don't understand how that's possible. Yea, I know some kids are monsters. Not mine, now. Here's an idea...
Send your favorite grouch some some cool stuff for their for when their grandchildren stay over. I love the pilot hat, and whether or not grouchy grandpa or grandma likes it, it's cool, and they won't be able to turn down a gift. :-) Add the mittens. Or maybe a truck. Or, if it's Halloween, this costume. Or maybe a small gift, like the Oscar mug or a ball cap. There's a ton of Oscar the Grouch stuff just on Amazon. Too much fun!
For older grandkids, sent the grouch a DVD, like the musical Scrooge with Albert Finney. Or It's a Wonderful Life, asking them to pay close attention to Mr. Potter, or Clarence the Angel Second Class. Forget about Mr Poptter and Potterville, enjoy this classic movie. Watch Clarence earn his wings. Invited your neighborhood "Mr Potter" and his grandchildren to view it with you. Be creative and have fun with this.
Pray for your grandchildren today! Thanks!
Can you think of other great gifts for neighborhood or family grouches? Email me back with your ideas. :-)
-Grandpa George
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